For anyone dealing with woman and fitness it has to be realized that a female body has its own attributes and physical properties which have to be taken into consideration independent of the desires a woman might have to do what she wants with her body.
It is not the same as a male body although there are some comparisons that can be made.
Each month a woman's body goes through cycles where there will be changes in the level of energy and potential changes in the ability to operate and perform physically. This varies from person to person. One handling is to become so physically fit that regardless of these changes in energy level, one can better maintain a stable level throughout these cycles.
By consulting a nutritionist, there are also nutritional needs that can be fulfilled to make it so the body can more easily endure these cycles and fortify it to make the body maintain a more even keel throughout.
The following are opinions of a trained dance and Pilate's instructor regarding woman fitness gained through her observation of her body and others over the many years.
Compared to a male body, a woman's body seems to be generally softer in muscle tone and tends to loose tone more rapidly if not undergoing a routine exercise program. Daily exercise is recommended. It is noted that this is a general comment and that there are variations of this in both men and women.
Men tend to be, generally speaking again, not as flexible as women and more tight. If a woman's body gets tight via some activity it seems that she can regain her flexibility more rapidly by stretching and other loosening methods. This is referring to a female body that is healthy and not one that has a physical injury or other negative body condition.
It is a given that only women can bear a child. There are changes that occur in the body and there are exercises that can be done before childbirth for a woman's fitness, for example shifts can occur in the pelvic structure which can have an effect on the spine and may result in problems.
In certain stubborn fatty areas there are specific exercises, diet and massage the can be done to help to resolve this issue.
Muscles around the knee can by exercise be strengthened which is an area which is typically weak or where the pelvic floor and inner thighs may weaken from childbirth, these can be strengthened through specific exercises.
A good balance in exercise would be some stretching flexibility type exercise such as Pilate's combined with something like aerobics. That would be a well-rounded woman fitness routine. A good workout does not have to take a long time either.