The Cross Training Support Program is rather unique in that it advocates that weight loss can be helped with Aromatherapy, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes, Crystals and/or Homeopathy. In other words, complementary therapies are the cross training.
As with all plans to lose weight, you will still need to eat less and exercise more. Consume less sugar, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. It's just as basic as that. No matter what other supplements or capsules you take, the bottom line is still you have to work to get it off. At the root of obesity is a physiological and psychological problem.
It seems about 66% of adults in the USA are overweight or obese. It that isn't scary enough, about 25 million young people are either overweight or on the brink of becoming so.
What does cross training suggest you do? They offer a 12 step program if you will that covers all the natural remedies for losing weight. The first is think of your weight loss as a lifestyle change, not a diet. Don't count calories (that's a radical one), just replace high fat content with low fat content. Eat low on the sugar index, to avoid highs and lows in your blood sugar that can lead to increased insulin production and conversion of calories to fat. Don't drink - it's fattening. Exercise, no way around it. Drink lots of water. Eat more frequently during the day. Take vitamins. Cut back on meat products. Reduce your portions. Believe in yourself and what you are doing. Sleep well. Overcome fears.
The 12-step cross training program for losing weight isn't anything we haven't heard before. It doesn't offer lotions, potions or pills. It offers a plain old reasonable common sense natural remedy for losing weight. Are you up to the challenge?
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Kamis, 27 November 2008
The Cross Training Support Program
Minggu, 23 November 2008
Natural Weight Loss Remedies - Thermocerin
Frustrated with your weight? Don't think that changing your diet and exercising is going to really cut it? Turns out you're not alone. Literally thousands of people are trying to find natural weight loss remedies to trim down. Being over weight, now regarded by many as a medical condition, is actually something YOU can cure. With a little help, you may be able to kick start your weight loss program with the natural weight loss remedy Thermocerin.
Going into this you already likely know there is no such thing as a miracle solution. Hard work is the key, after all you likely did not put the weight on over night, so it isn't going to come off over night either. But, there's actually more to it - a reason your body objects to losing weight - biochemical and biological reasons. In short form, your fat cells are working against you.
The first thing you do when you go on a diet is reduce your caloric intake. That makes your body panic, and it starts thinking you're starving it. So instead of going WITH the program, they store the fat for later, just in case. How annoying. This reaction is caused by fat receptors. They want to go into hoard mode. So you need to find a way to turn the fat receptors off and release fat into your bloodstream and burn it.
The product Thermocerin claims that it teaches your body thermogenesis - tells your fat cells to shut up and get on the same page towards weight loss, not retention. Thermogenesis means your body produces heat or energy through a chemical reaction. The more energy produced, the higher your metabolic rate and the more fat gets burned. So, if your metabolism is higher due to more energy being generated you are benefiting from the thermogenic effect - the increased burn off of calories and fat. It also goes hunting to find stored fat and burns it out was well.
So what's in Thermocerin? The short answer is polyphenols(plant chemicals creating pigment) from green and white tea plants plus Capsaicin (active component in chili peppers) and Yohimbe.(antioxidant properties). Will it work?
Anecdotal evidence suggests it will, but with any product that has a combination of herbs in it, natural or not, you should make certain to do your research first. This is even more important if you happen to have an allergy to herbs. So make sure you read the fine print and look things up on the Internet.